Tide laundry pods found to contain over 700 chemicals in independent lab science tests (ConsumerWellness.org)

TUCSON, Ariz. (February 1, 2018) - Thanks to the Tide laundry pod "challenge" being widely shared across social media, many youth are eating the product instead of using it to clean clothes. Tide product packaging warns that anyone consuming the product should "call your local Poison Control Center," and many doctors have warned about the long-term health risks associated with ingesting Tide laundry detergent chemicals.

But what, exactly, are Tide laundry pods made of?

An exclusive Science.news article reveals over 700 chemicals found in Tide laundry pods by mass-spectrometry laboratory analysis. The research was conducted by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (ConsumerWellness.org), led by Mike Adams, lab science director and author of the popular science book, "Food Forensics." The complete list of all 700+ chemical formulas is being released to the public in the interests of public safety.

"Our mass spec analysis reveals the presence of over 700 unique chemicals in a Tide laundry pod," said Adams. "Many of these chemicals pose very real risks to human health as well as aquatic ecosystems."

Chemicals formulas for the 700+ compounds detected in the laboratory analysis have been posted in a PDF document at Science.news. The downloadable document also includes each molecule's mass, retention time and charge state.

Notably, no specific chemical names appear to be included on Tide laundry pods packaging, causing most people to be entirely unaware of the chemical composition of this widely-used product. "Given the toxicity of this product when ingested, many consumers are now wondering whether it's safe to wear those same chemicals on their skin," explains Adams. "An even bigger question is what happens downstream when these chemicals are rinsed out of clothing and flushed away."

Adams hopes that awareness about the chemicals found in Tide laundry pods will help people make more informed decisions about choosing less toxic products for their home.

See the full report, plus the downloadable PDF document and video at Science.news or ConsumerWellness.org


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